Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Coming soon - Handmade hair accessories!

Thank you to all those people who have purchased from Cutie Pie Shoppe.

I just want to let you know that I will be selling some handmade hair accessories soon! I didn't make these myself, but they are created by my talented cousin who volunteered her time to make these cute accessories. I know that The Cutie Pie Shoppe mainly focuses on Japan style baby clothes, but I think that my buyers would definitely be interested in these little cute things.

Friday, March 12, 2010

New Website!

My Cutie Pie Shoppe has a new website! I have been working on this, but it isn't completely done yet. I still have lots to add! But I just want to let everyone know that's what I've been doing besides editing and promoting my eCRATER store.

To all eCrater store owners, please feel free to contact me to get your site added to my links page. I want to help out as well.... but of course, I still have tons of promoting/advertising to do.

Here is the new website!